Walther-Meißner-Institute (WMI) for Low Temperature Research of the
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
General introduction

The Walther-Meißner-Institute for Low Temperature Research (WMI) is a research institute of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW). WMI is led by two directors, Prof. Rudolf Gross and Prof. Stefan Filipp, each of them holding a chair at the Physics Department of the Technische Universtät München. The Superconducting Quantum Circuits Group at WMI is coordinated by Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Frank Deppe, Dr. Achim Marx, and Dr. Kirill Fedorov and deals with superconducting circuits and propagating microwaves for quantum science and technology.
Role in QMiCS
Frank Deppe from WMI coordinates the QMiCS consortium and represents the project in the Science and Engineering Board of the Quantum Flagship. With respect to research, WMI prvides expertise on propagating quantum microwaves in the continuous-variable regime. Within QMiCS, WMI will host the microwave QLAN cable and works towards quantum microwave communication between two laboratories. In addition, WMI plans experiments on quantum microwave illumination.