VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
General introduction

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is part of Finland’s innovation system and operates under the mandate of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. VTT is the largest internationally networked R&D centre for applied research in Northern Europe, harnessing multiple high technologies to develop scientific solutions for sustainable development and creating new business opportunities. In 2016 VTT had a staff of 2,400, net turnover of 188 M€, and other operational income of 81 M€. Key expertise and infrastructure relevant for the project include design, fabrication and characterization of different solid-state devices and systems including superconductive devices.
Role in QMiCS
VTT is involved in developing devices and instrumentation for detectors, amplifiers, and parametric converters. VTT will design the devices, and utilize its micro and nano device fabrication lines (including superconductive devices) for the production and its cryogenic infrastructure for the characterization. Thanks to the industrial-level capacity with 150 mm wafer production lines, the developed devices can be readily available for exploitation after the project.